Deep Trekker explains how its BRIDGE technology integrates hardware and software to enhance ROV operations, providing seamless communication between the vehicle, its controller, and third-party sensors
Greenroom Robotics outlines the development of maritime autonomous systems, from basic autopilot functions to AI-driven platforms that significantly reduce human intervention
In this case study, SEP Hydrographic Limited opted for Trimble Applanix technology to enhance its asset inspections, employing high-resolution 3D scanning for superior data quality above and below the waterline
Explore how Teledyne Marine’s SeaBat T20-ASV helped LVR Flote navigate challenging waters, delivering precise hydrographic data for the Salaca River Bridge reconstruction with uncrewed technology
NBOSI significantly advanced its CTD sensor technology in 2024, forging strong partnerships and introducing new models for AUVs, ASVs, ROVs, and gliders to enhance ocean monitoring
Researchers have deployed Teledyne Marine’s Slocum gliders in the Roseway Basin to detect and track marine mammals in near-real-time, enhancing conservation efforts through advanced acoustic monitoring technology
The Easytrak USBL range provides advanced underwater positioning solutions, with this guide outlining the lineup, recent improvements, and key benefits to help you choose the right system
Deep Trekker explains how its versatile ROV control systems are tailored for a wide range of underwater operations, providing seamless integration with various input devices for mission-specific needs
Boxfish Robotics examines the Boxfish AUV Research Kit, a fully integrated system designed to streamline the development and deployment of custom computer vision algorithms
This article explores how Wavefront Systems' Sentinel IDS (Intruder Detection Sonar) leverages advanced sonar technology to enhance underwater threat detection, showcasing its success in real-world trials and maritime security applications
Discover how Actisense makes upgrading your boat’s electronics affordable and efficient, with innovative solutions for integrating legacy systems into modern NMEA 2000 networks
SubC Imaging delves into how its Rugged DVR+ Overlay Laptop can be an all-in-one inspection tool, integrating recording, data logging, and real-time collaboration capabilities
Neousys’ embedded systems are used in Aqua-Tech aquaculture weighing and counting components, aiding in improving fish welfare and streamlining labor-intensive processes
Trimble Applanix supported VRT Finland Ltd’s underwater surveys by supplying its POS MV WaveMasters and POSPac MMS software, ensuring reliable data acquisition when mapping low-visibility lakes
Pro-Oceanus Systems showcases its Mini CO2, a submersible pCO2 sensor designed to operate as an autonomous unit or integrate seamlessly with ocean gliders and AUVs
Discover how SatLab's USV technology is transforming hydrographic surveying in Indonesia, offering a safer, more efficient, and precise solution for managing the nation's water resources
Actisense presents a guide to the NGX-1, W2K-1, and WGX-1 NMEA gateways, offering a breakdown of their capabilities to help users select the most suitable solution for vessels
CatchCam Technologies looks back on SeaFrame, a project demonstrating how AI transforms the processing of underwater data, solving a broad range of marine challenges