Innovative, High-Performance Underwater Sensing Technologies for the Marine Industry
ISD4000 Depth Sensors Survey-grade depth & temperature sensors
ISD4000 Depth Sensors

Survey-grade depth & temperature sensors

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ISD4000 Depth Sensors

The ISD4000 is a survey-grade depth and temperature sensor that integrates a temperature-compensated piezo-resistive pressure sensor and a high-accuracy and low-latency RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) probe located close to the water. Depth data can be provided to ±0.01% or 0.005% full scale accuracy, with multiple options available for range and configurable output rates up to 100 Hz. Temperature data can be provided to 0.1 or 0.05 degrees C accuracy.

The unit can also be fitted with a MEMS-based AHRS (Attitude & Heading Reference System) with sensor fusion for highly stable heading, pitch and roll measurement. Heading data is highly resilient to temporary magnetic interference, thanks to a built-in soft and hard iron calibration feature.

Dimensions (D x L): 47 x 115.5 mm
Weight (Air/Fresh Water): 0.42/0.28 kg titanium
0.2/0.1 kg acetal
Power: 32 mA @ 24VDC
Depth Rating: 6000m titanium
500m acetal
Depth Readings: Accuracy ±0.01% full scale
Resolution 0.001% full scale
Pressure Range: 10, 30, 50, 100, 300, 400, 600 bar
Temperature: Accuracy 0.1oC
Resolution 0.001oC
Attitude: Pitch ±90o
Roll ±180o
Accuracy 0.2o
Resolution 0.1o
Heading: Accuracy ±1o
Resolution 0.1o