Origin by Ocean: Algal Answers to Planetary Boundaries

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Origin by Ocean: Algal Answers to Planetary BoundariesCurrent research shows that humans have long passed planetary boundaries that characterize a sustainable future for life on Earth, both for humans and other species.

Origin by Ocean writes about how people can take the consequences of human progress that are harmful to the Earth, and sustainably harness them to fuel further human progress.

Industrialisation has made humans the greatest single source of change to life on this planet. We have now left the stable Holocene of the past 12,000 years and are well into the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch named to acknowledge human influence on the state of the planet.

However, this steady progress is also a threat to life for humans and other species. The concept of planetary boundaries, a term coined by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, has emerged as a pivotal framework encapsulating nine critical thresholds, beyond which humanity’s survival stands threatened.

The full article goes on to discuss:

  • Unravelling Planetary Boundaries
  • The Ocean’s Distress Signal
  • An Unsafe and Unjust Trajectory
  • The Horizon of Hope

Read the full article or find out more on Origin by Ocean’s website.

Posted by Abi Wylie Connect & Contact