The Boxfish AUV represents our latest generation of customizable hovering AUVs, offering six degrees of freedom operation and dynamic stabilisation. It is built on our field-proven capable Boxfish ROV platform, which has an extensive track record of operating in the Arctic and Antarctic at significant depths and in a variety of environmental conditions.
It’s expandable architecture support both autonomous operation and optionally tethered, high-bandwidth cameras and sensors via a fibre optic connection. With support to integrate 3rd party sensors, and supporting a wide range of standard sensors, the Boxfish AUV becomes a powerful scientific tool.
Autonomous operations are supported by USBL, DVL, depth sensor and a 9-axis IMU. On-board computers running ROS 2 complement our 6 degree-of-freedom controller for precision hovering operations. Simple to use, graphical mission planning software sends plans to the Boxfish AUV over WiFi, allowing the Boxfish AUV to carry out sophisticated missions.
The Boxfish AUV optionally comes with a strong but lightweight fibre optic tether for remotely operated operation.