Teledyne Marine grant winner Christian Armstrong – Teledyne RESON SeaBat T50-R Multibeam Sonar/INS.
The project’s aim is to assess the physical stability of the seafloor in the extremely energetic tidal flows of western Scotland, UK: The Gulf of Corryvreckan and the Falls of Lora, Loch Etive.
The nature of the seabed beneath extreme tidal flows (flow speed > 4m/s) has been little studied, mainly due to the obvious operational challenges posed by the area’s hydrodynamics. However, these regions are now receiving research attention due to their value for renewable energy and the insights into turbulent flows that they can bring.
As a student researcher, I am working with a team from the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) on plans to develop survey techniques for mobile bedform analysis. By comparing two bathymetric data sets (one collected in 2012, and one using Teledyne equipment scheduled for 2020), bedform migration rates and thence the physical stability of the seabed can be quantified.