Cutting-Edge Low-SWaP Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOG) & FOG IMUs for Precision Motion & Orientation Measurement


Cutting-Edge Low-SWaP Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOG) & FOG IMUs for Precision Motion & Orientation Measurement

MostaTech is an innovative developer of cutting-edge ultra-low-SWaP FOG (fiber optic gyroscope) technologies that deliver advanced navigation, platform stabilization and control capabilities in a compact and robust package.

Our high-precision motion and orientation measurement are ideal for a variety of marine and maritime vessels and underwater vehicles, enabling superior performance for a wide range of applications under highly challenging ocean-going conditions.

MostaTech’s state-of-the-art gyros and IMUs are based on 40-micron polarization-maintaining fibers and a unique proprietary spliceless technology that fabricates the entire fiber optic assembly from a single fiber length, ensuring zero excess optical loss.

Ultra-Miniature Gyroscopes

Our ultra-miniature single-axis fiber optic gyroscopes provide high-performance angular rate measurement in an extremely compact and lightweight package. With robust aluminium alloy or μ-metal housings, the low-SWaP FOG sensors feature enhanced shock and vibration resistance and boast a 15-year lifetime.

fiber optic gyros

Ultra-compact FOG sensorsThe low-noise gyros are ideal for small and space-constrained marine vessels and submersibles, and the product range includes analog and digital output options.

  • VG221LN – Low-noise fiber optic gyroscope with 0.025°/√h ARW and analog output
  • VG191A – Thumb-sized open-loop gyro with analog output
  • VG191AD – Ultra-compact FOG sensor with high-precision RS422 digital output

Three-Axis Gyroscopes

Three-Axis GyroscopesThese high-accuracy fiber optic gyro units deliver angular rate outputs on three axes, and feature a fully-integrated three-channel ADC board with serial RS422 output. The low-power sensors are available with aluminium or magnetically-shielded μ-metal housings.

With light weight and a small footprint, the three-axis FOG sensors are ideal for stabilization and control applications on a variety of marine vessels and platforms.

  • G121 – Lightweight and compact 3-axis FOG sensor
  • G181 – Low-noise 3-axis fiber optic gyro with 0.015°/√h ARW

More information: Three-Axis Fiber Optic Gyros


FOG IMUsMostaTech’s U Series FOG-based inertial measurement units (IMUs) combine three axes of our smallest fiber optic gyroscopes with three axes of MEMS accelerometers, incorporating a fully-integrated six-channel ADC board with serial RS422 output. With low power consumption and a compact footprint, they are ideal for marine vessels, USVs and ROVs, as well as for integration into higher order systems such as inertial navigation systems (INS).

The non-ITAR FOG IMUs are enclosed in robust aluminium housings, and the U123D and U183 also offer a magnetically-shielded μ-metal option.

  • U121D – Miniature FOG IMU with extremely low power consumption
  • U123D – Low-power FOG IMU in cylindrical housing
  • U183 – Low-noise inertial measurement unit with 0.03°/√h ARW

More information: FOG-based IMUs



Low-noise fiber optic gyroscope with 0.025°/√h ARW and analog output


Thumb-sized open-loop gyro with analog output


Ultra-compact FOG sensor with high-precision RS422 digital output


Lightweight and compact 3-axis FOG sensor


Low-noise 3-axis fiber optic gyro with 0.015°/√h ARW


Miniature FOG IMU with extremely low power consumption


Low-power three-axis FOG IMU in cylindrical housing


Low-noise inertial measurement unit with 0.03°/√h ARW


MostaTech Miniature FOG IMUs Receive Size Reduction & Magnetic Immunity Upgrades

MostaTech’s U183 and U123D FOG IMUs have been further miniaturized and enhanced in magnetic immunity for size-constrained marine applications, including USVs, UUVs, and ROVs

Nov 11, 2024
Profile Spotlight: MostaTech’s Low-SWaP Fibre Optic Gyroscopes & FOG IMUs

MostaTech has been showcasing it’s ultra-low-SWaP FOG technologies on OST, highlighting its ability to deliver advanced navigation, platform stabilization, and control capabilities

Oct 17, 2024
Regional Offices & Locations
MostaTech Ltd Malta F13 Leiden Centre, Mosta Technopark, Mosta MST3000 +356 21800 557 Contact Website