Marine Vehicle Management Technologies: Marine Autopilots, Remote Control Systems, and Simulation Solutions
Power management systems Remotely limit & control power consumption for unmanned missions
Power management systems

Remotely limit & control power consumption for unmanned missions

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Power management systems

The ability to remotely limit power consumption for non-essential tasks and channel power into critical operations can be the difference between unmanned mission success and failure.

For very low power budgets, such as in wave-powered or all-electric vehicles, Dynautics offers AUV, UUV and USV Power Management Systems, power control modules and communication systems that allow consumption to be remotely managed and controlled. Our power control modules can also monitor solar charging to ensure Photovoltaic (PV) panels are efficiently utilised, maximising mission endurance. Even with the increased power available on more conventional vessels, power management may still be required to switch sensors on and off.

Dynautics Power Management Modules protect against system faults, shutting down instantly to isolate the issue and prevent it from affecting the rest of the system.

The diagram shows a typical system in which 12 channels are controlled and monitored via SPECTRE. The outlets can provide power to navigation lights, sensors, instruments, modems and even the SPECTRE unit itself. Watchdog features enable critical modules such as SPECTRE and the command link modem to be powered up automatically.