Cutting-Edge Underwater Laser Scanners & Imaging Systems for Underwater Vehicles
Insight Micro Medium-to-long range dynamic subsea scanner
Insight Micro

Medium-to-long range dynamic subsea scanner

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Insight Micro

The Insight Micro is a long-range underwater scanner designed specifically for use with smaller subsea vehicles. Providing high-accuracy 3D data collection at ranges of up to 8 metres, it features a power draw of less than 50W.

The scanner can be combined with an optional integrated stills imaging system to provide a complete optical assessment with both qualitative and quantitative datasets. This powerful combination allows you to capture gapless laser data and crisp stills images simultaneously.

With a cable-free modular design, Insight Micro can be easily integrated into AUV payloads and ROV skids, and is ideal for pipeline inspection, offshore energy applications, environmental survey, digital twin creation, and more.


Scan Range 0.7 – 5.0m
1.0 – 7.0m (Micro XR)
Power Consumption 21-60 VDC Input
Laser & Stills: 30W
LED Strobe: 30W @ 1Hz, 2ms
Points per Line 2464 data points | 50° (water)
Profile Rate 50 Hz Laser with 3Hz Stills Imaging
100 Hz (Laser Only) with Range Limiting
Depth Rating 1000m or 4000m