Cutting-Edge Surveying, Positioning & Sensing Solutions for Hydrographic & Oceanographic Applications
HydroBeam M4 Compact high-precision multibeam echosounder
HydroBeam M4

Compact high-precision multibeam echosounder

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HydroBeam M4

The HydroBeam M4 is a lightweight and portable multi-beam echosounder that can be easily integrated into a variety of marine platforms, including crewed and uncrewed vessels, AUVs and ROVs. The versatile unit is ideal for deploying in a wide range of environments, including lakes, rivers, ports and harbours.

The echosounder features built in inertial and sound velocity sensors, ensuring high-precision measurement without the need for frequent calibration. The system's scan width is adjustable from 8° to 150° to cover depths of up to 200 metres.


Dimensions Deck unit 230 x 180 x 80 mm
Transducer 228 x 175 mm
Weight Deck unit 2.6 kg in air
Transducer 5.9 kg in air
Power 60W
Frequency 400 kHz
Depth Range 0.2 - 200m
Resolution 7.5 mm
Heading Accuracy 0.08° (2 m base line)
0.05° (4 m base line)
Position Accuracy H: ±8 mm +1 ppm
V: ±15 mm +1 ppm