High-Accuracy Dissolved Gas Sensors for Oceanography, Environmental Monitoring, and Oil & Gas Applications
Solu-Blu TDG Dissolved Gas Sensor Rugged TDGP measurement sensor for longterm in-situ deployment
Solu-Blu TDG Dissolved Gas Sensor

Rugged TDGP measurement sensor for longterm in-situ deployment

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Solu-Blu TDG Dissolved Gas Sensor

The Solu-Blu TDG is a rugged probe designed for continuous long-term in-situ monitoring of total dissolved gas in liquids, providing reliable and accurate pressure data. The compact and low-power sensor offers easy plug-and-play integration into a variety of systems, and can be provided with analog or digital output. It is unaffected by increasing hydrostatic pressure, and can be used in a range of liquids including fresh water, saltwater and oil.

The sensor offers a variety of measurement range options, and can be customized by Pro-Oceanus to suit specific requirements. It is ideal for a wide range of applications, including aquaculture, groundwater and wellwater monitoring, gas supersaturation monitoring, and measurement of gas pressure in water wells during pumping.


Dimensions (L x D): 20 x 4.76 cm (8 x 1.9”)
Weight: 0.47 kg (1.04 lbs)
Power Consumption: 0.04 W (3.5 mA @ 12 V)
Accuracy: ± 0.1% (Temperature compensated from 0 to 50º C)
Resolution: 0.1 mbar
0.1% Saturation level
Standard Range Options: 800-1300 mbar Absolute
75-150% Saturation
Depth: 0 - 50 m
Data Output: RS-232, ASCII format
0-5 V or 4-20 mA
Water Temperature: -2º to 35º C