Advanced ROV Solutions for Critical Underwater Inspections
Distance Lock Sensor Distance control module for precision ROV inspections
Distance Lock Sensor

Distance control module for precision ROV inspections

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Distance Lock Sensor

The Distance Lock module is specifically designed for Deep Trekker’s REVOLUTION and PIVOT ROVs, enabling them to maintain consistent inspection distances of 0.5 to 10 meters away from vertical and near-vertical surfaces and underwater structures. This ability to minimize manual corrections over extended periods of time reduces fatigue and allow operators to focus on the core mission objectives.

Automatic Distance Lock for ROV

Rated for depths of down to 300 meters, the externally-mounted module operates at a 500kHz CHIRP frequency and delivers real-time distance readouts to the ROV controller. It is ideal for a variety of applications, including:

  • Hydroelectric dam and nuclear facility inspections
  • Sea wall surveys
  • Ship hull inspections
  • Civil engineering and infrastructure
Weight: 500g (air)
50g (water)
Distance Lock Range: 0.5 – 10 m
Depth Rating: 300 m
Rotation from Perpendicular to Surface: Approx +/- 45o
Beam Cone Angle: Approx +/- 5o
Operating Frequency: 500kHz +/- 10kHz in CHIRP